Peter, a dedicated Veteran, faced the harsh reality of homelessness, struggling without a permanent home since December 2022. His inspiring journey to stability is a testament to the power of collaboration and support. At OC HOPE Center, we are committed to providing...
In June of 2023, HOPE Center Dispatch received a call for service regarding a couple living out of their car outside the Buena Park Senior Center. Outreach Coordinators met the couple to help them find a place off the street. Tim and Celeste had been homeless since...
HOPE Center OC publishes a monthly newsletter highlighting the great work completed by its team members. If you would like this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox, scroll to the bottom of this article and subcribe! Rotary Club of Fullerton’s $1,500...
HOPE Center OC publishes a monthly newsletter highlighting the great work completed by its team members. If you would like this newsletter delivered directly to your inbox, scroll to the bottom of this article and subcribe! 81 Year Old Woman Gets Assistance fromHOPE...