In the heart of Orange County, HOPE Center continues to make strides in transforming lives through its dedicated outreach programs. One such success story is that of Andrew St. Pierre, a man who had experienced homelessness in Fullerton for over a decade.This...
Carla and Matthew, originally from Florida, faced tremendous uncertainty after exhausting their resources during a temporary stay in Orange County. Their situation seemed dire until they met Officer Bishop, a Homeless Liaison Officer with the City of Fullerton, who...
The HOPE Center of Orange County is a ground-breaking multi-city, multi-disciplinary partnership that seeks to establish community-wide coordination and standardization in homeless outreach and engagement. By centralizing resources, coordinating responses, and...
Terry, a veteran, encountered homelessness for the first time in 2009 in the city of Fullerton following the dissolution of his marriage. His journey into homelessness happened when he couldn’t find supportive assistance after his divorce. This led him to not...
Donald was a long-term homeless individual in the city of Fullerton. He had been homeless since 2014, but had only started accepting shelter in 2019. Due to his mental health issues, he was unable to accept housing. Donald went from shelter to shelter until 2022, when...